
Thursday, February 28, 2019

I’m the Person I’ve been waiting for

I’m not a lazy person but I really don’t cooperate on a lot of things. In  case of an emergency I would be the person to call since in those cases I’ll go help. But it also depends if it’s  due to a bad or good thing.

We are living in the Brave New World

Three things that I got from the video of Aldous was drugs, propaganda, and media. Even though I didn’t really understand what he was saying since his accent was hard to understand. For example he told us how drugs can mess you up so bad and destroy your future and path to a great life.On the other hard he was talking about the media which is a pretty big thing going on right now. Not everything is a bad about it since it keeps us updated on news or anything that’s trednding. But people tend to get real addicted to it and start using their phones more than what’s necessary. Which is not a good thing at alll since we become so dependent on it that we can’t have a normal day if one day we didn’t have it. The thing about the propaganda is a big thing too like right now our President is Donald Trump, people follow him even though he has bad ideas. This is what I got from the video.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What’s so great about Gatbsy?

Gatsby is great but he made wrong decisions for love that ended up taking his life away.

Nick is honest, but when he hangs out with his friends he turns into a ful dishonest person since he helps seek out relationships between his friends without saying anything. He does this because they are the only friends he has and wants to fit in.

Tom and Daisy didn’t really care about each other. Since they both did their own thing, they just wasted money on alcohol, they went to many parties. Since they had money they never worked hard to earn it so wasting it meant nothing to them. They both didn’t bother to take care of their kid since they were always out.

I don’t understand Daisy’s behavior. To be honest her choices weren’t right at all. I would not let any of my siblings date someone lik her. She has many issues to be fixed and her being not able to think for her self is something bad, because she doesn’t have no word of her own.

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past” this basically tells us who we are.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Great Gatsby chapters 1 2 3 4 questions

Chapter 1 Questions:

1. Who was the first person nick met in chapter one?

2. In what area of New York was nick living at ?

Chapter 2 Questions:

1. What happened at the party?

2.What was the relationship between Myrtle and Tom?

Chapter 3 Questions? 

1. What does nick learn about Jordan? 

2.Who is the owl eyed man? 

Chapter 4 Questions:

1. What does Gatsby tell nick? 

2.What did Daisy do on her wedding day ?