
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Compare and Contarst Essay

In the story of “Young Woodman Brown” we all know that at some point of the story he was dreaming everything he was experiencing. Also in the poem of “ A Dream within a Dream” it talked about how everything they see or do was a dream. I’ll be explaining some similarities and differences. Well we all know that not every story has the same author tone or wording, but there’s times where the stories come into a similarity with a frase or action that a character do ,that takes you back to a previous story that we’ve read before. Honestly, I was surprised by how both the story and the poem have similarities but also their differences.

For example, in the story of “Young Woodman Brown” by Hawthrone’s it talked about how it’s main character Brown, experienced many weird and surprising things through out the story based on a dream he had when he fell to sleep in the forest. In this story the author was really good at explaining to us with details everything about the dream he had. The author told us how Brown came across a man in the woods who we all know was the devil, since he was an evil man. Brown got fooled by the man and ended up losing his faith. There’s many more things through out the story that the author was really good at explaining with details that was all a dream. A part that surprised me was when Young woodman woke up, and he was already old with children and grandchildren. At the end of the story he dies and that’s when we knew that everything that happened in the story was nothing more than just a dream.

In addition to the poem “ A Dream within a Dream” it also talks about how everything that was happening was nothing more than just a dream. Everything that the person sees or experiences is just a Dream. When I read the poem it caught my attention on how good the author did at explaining everything that was going on in a just something that’s was based on just a Dream. For example in this part “In a visón, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a Dream within a Dream” it explained how everything was based on a Dream.

In a way the tone was something that both the story and the poem had different. In Young Woodman’s the tone of the story was mysterious and curious. Since the author  did really good at explaining the things that were going on in the story that left us hanging on parts wanting to know what was going to happen next. In comparison to the poem the author talked things calmly. Through out the poem he was just explaining us how it was all a Dream.

Overall, both the story and the poem had its similarities and differences, which are good because imagen everything being the same in tones, expression, this world would be boring and there wouldn’t be anything interesting to learn about or read. In my opinion I really liked how both authors were really good at explaining every line to us.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Young Woodman Brown Response

In my opinion towards the story is that for me the fact of the women from the community where young woodman lived were very cruel and ambitious. The fact of the women killing their husbands just to stay with the money is repulsive. Also,  they would kill their babies and burry them in their backyards. This really got me surprised because I don’t understand why someone would kill someone they “love” for money. That’s something ugly and bad.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


The way I get things done is by reminding myself constantly that I have stuff to get done.  For example I use my phone and write myself notes about them. At times I also tell my friends that I have stuff to get done and for just in case I forget for an instant I have them remind me.  Most of the time  I get my stuff done by myself without having anyone bugging me about it.

Earth’s on Turtles Back

In the story Earth’s on Turtles Back, it was basically about how earth was formed. Basically the story explained to us how earth was created. In the story there was a girl who had a dream about and uprooted  tree whom roots couldn’t be pulled out. In the story the tree made a hole and the woman fell down through it and under that hole there was water and other animals. When they saw the woman falling they tried everything to bring the earth up so the woman can land. The turtle helped her bring her back to earth by planting seeds and growing trees and basically from there earth began.

Rights to your opinion

Everyone in this life has their own opinions towards everything. For example, there’s times where we al agree on a same opinion and we share it out, but there’s times  in where we all have different opinions from everyone else and end up not sharing it out. We stay quiet at times because we are scared of giving our own opinion and people disagreeing about it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Was it only a dream?

In my opinion I don’t think the whole story was a dream. Because, if it would of been a dream then young woodman wouldn’t be of had woke up still in the forest. For example when young woodman went into the forest he came across this old man who for my opinion wasn’t someone good but the devil instead. Also, he fell to sleep on the forest and had a dream a wild dream of a witch meeting. When young woodman woke up he was still in the forest. He might of had an hallucination which is compared to dream but it’s not. So in my opinion I don’t think it was dream.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Young Woodman Brown Q&A

1.I think that the purpose for Hawthorne’s for writing the this story is to let his readers know that faith is something we all have, and to show is how it’s so easy to lose our faith.
2.Yes I think that Brown’s wife Faith actually fits her name because she tried stopping him from leaving because she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Brown didn’t have any faith in her since he left the his house and didn’t listen to her.
3. The pink ribbons signify faith, to keep remembering him to don’t lose it through out his way.
4.What young woodman witnessed was an eviel dream “ it was dream of eviel only for young woodman brown”
5.The old man is the devil. He found his way out to get young woodman to trust him by acting all nice to him at the beginning  and then when he saw that he had young woodman’s trust then he made him lose his faith.
6.I think the staff represents the demon. I know this because the old man leads brown onward or is the primary motivator Brown’s own  mind.
7.His life would of been different backside he could of had listened to his wife and the people around him to earned him not to leave. But he eventually left and he lost his  faith.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Conscience Hacker

The author of “Conscious of a hacker” wanted us to understand through his writing that we as humans we all have our own unique characteristics and flaws. We as humans have our own unique likes towards everything. For example imagen a world full of people who are similar in every way it would be so boring and nothing fun to learn from.

He became a hacker in school. One day he found a computer and liked how it worked.”I’ve made a discovery today. I found caputer.Wait a second,this is cool. It does what I want it to do. If it makes a mistake,it’s because I screwed up. Not because it doesn’t like me.. or feels threatened by me.. or thinks I’m a smart ass.. or doesn’t like teaching and shouldn’t be here. Damn kid. All he does is plays video games. The are alike.”(paragraph 4).Basically we all as humans don’t have the same interests towards many things, yes we might share the same ideas or opinions towards a topic or something else but not always we are going to agree on everything. Not because someone thinks or says something towards a topic should get judged by others because we all have the right to have our own opinion and expression.

Yes, I’m a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say or think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something you will never forgive me for. I’m a hacker and this is my manifesto. (Paragraph 9&10).We as humans make mistakes but it’s human to forgive and give out second chances. Just not because someone did something wrong the first time it doesn’t means that they are going to keep doing it. We can all change into a better well being and try to do better in life. Negative comments or judgement should never take the lead in our lives we should all ignore that negativity and use it as motivation. Sometimes those negative comments we receive from others becomes our strengths to look forward and prove everyone who doubted us wrong. So if u really like how you are doing your life then keep doing it as long as it makes you happy and it’s the right choices that later on won’t bring u down in life.