
Thursday, November 15, 2018

20 Questions

1. The chapeter title “The hearth of a Salamder” is connecting Montags home life and work. Basically what this is means is that at his job he is a fire fighter know to put off fires and at home everything is cold nothing is warm  and cozy like home should feel.

2.It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see thingsblackened and changed”   this line basically explains how unhappy Montag is with his life. His work is the only place where he doesn’t feels lonely , unhappy, unlike his home who always feels lonely, cold, and depress full.

3. By Montag comaparin a water hose to a great Python is a negative comparison because basically a water hose is known for helping out with fires and watering plants bringing everything back to life, when in the other hand a python is venomous and spreads venom everywhere. 

4.The significance of the number 451 on Montag’s healment is symbolic because it represents the temperature on which  paper burns.

5. Clarisse is described at the beginning of the chapter as a very happy girl who always finds her self out of things.

6. Clarisse is a girl who loves books and  the other Montag puts books on fire even though he knows it’s against the law. Overall the difference is that Clarisse loves books and Montag doesn’t.

7.Clarisse asked Montag if he is he happy, but then he starts laughing and she questions him that what is he laughing at, but he has no response. His reaction is weird.

8. Three odd things about Clarisse and Montag is that first of all Montag likes to burn books , when Clarisse likes to read them, also Clarisse likes to go hiking during the nights, and is always happy, when Montag doesn't and has to fake his smile. Clarisse likes to have conversations with others, and Montag doesn't.

9. A simile that Montag uses to describe Clarisse when he first met her was " she had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a night..." by this we can tell that Clarisse is calm, quiet, and informative. But also that there's a sense of great danger coming "further darkness". Also he refers to her as "the news sun" because she is full of happiness.

10. Montag thinks that Clarisse is very happy, and talkative since she made him think a lot about himself at the time of finding answers to her questions, after she leaves him for the first time.

11.Seashells in the story are headphones which Montag's wife uses to fall to sleep. Whom bring music, news, entertainment not just to her but everyone in the city.

12. The author introduced Clarisse before Mildred because even though she is Montag's wife she has very little impact in his life, unlike Clarisse who has made Montag think and change his perspective about life and what he needs to stop doing wrong with his life. Clarisse is the first voice that makes Montag challenge and address  the issues with his life and marriage.

13.Mildred attempts to commit suicide, and attendants come to save her life with a machine to pump out the toxins of her body. Then Montag sees it like the machine having an eye that is inserted into her body. The significance of the machine is representing the constant vigilance of the government into the souls and minds if the people.

14.Montag's comment "nobody knows anyone" means that no one knows the true colors of a person until you really get to meet them.

15.Clarisse house has lights on all the time because his family likes to sit down and talk, compares to Montag's house who is always cold, dark, and dippersful. Montag starts thinking how it feels to be in a warm, welcoming home rather than getting to his who is feels like a tomb, and has very little communication with his wife.

16. Montag's state of confusion when he says " I don't know anything anymore" represents Montag being under stress, many things going around him, that has him totally confused and frustrated.

17. When Mildred wakes up she doesn't knows what had happened to her and she assumes it was just a hang over. So she wakes up really hungry and denies the truth that Montag is telling her about what had happened.

18. Clarisse goes to the psychiatrist because they want to know why she goes in a hike in the forest, likes to watch the birds, and collects butterflies.

19.When Montag greets the mechanical hound , it responded by growling at him, which is an unusual response since the hound was a tool of his trade.

20.  The woman wanted to die with her books to voice her opposition to the practice of burning books. This incident has a negative effect in Montag since it was the first time he saw a human victim. 

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