
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Brave New World Essay

The book of Brave New World stands out for its great way of showing us the readers how people from back then predicted our future. Once we start reading the book we can clearly see how so many things that were written back then by the author are actually happening now these days. For example, the book said that eventually technology is going to end up taking control of us. Which is clearly already happening all over the world, since our kids are now starting to use technology at a young age. What I understood of this book was how people were being created in labs, and being put in a certain category. Everything became so different because everyone was the same and if you managed to stand out and be different there would be consequences to it.

One of the characters that stood out the most for me was John a white guy who was born from a woman and not made in a lab like everyone else from the book. I felt like he was the most outward and inward person from the whole book. He like so many of us had dreams and hopes. As we all know he was raised in a reservation, because his mom Linda decided to have him, and parenthood wasn't a good thing in the world state, so she couldn't decide otherwise. John grew up lonely,and being hated by the people in the reservation, do to his mom sleeping with married men from it. One of Johns major dreams was going to London which one day it became true. When he met this guy Bernard and Linda, whom he thought were his friends. Sadly Bernard wasn't his friend he was just there to "help" him with his big dream about going to London. Bernard's true intentions were to take John to London and embarrass the director, who gave all this talks about how horrible was parenthood and how it shouldn't happen.

John really stood for me, because we can relate to so many things that he goes true. He is unique and doesn't tries to be like everyone else. In the book everyone else is always looking to attention, or taking somma, and having sex. The relationships from the book have no commitment, since both partners can sleep with whomever they want. While John dreams of having a real relationship, and doesn't takes drugs to have sex. Deeply John just wants to be alone and be happy, he doesn't likes all the attention he is getting. When Johns mom Linda, was at the hospital dying he was actually sad feeling pain, and got really sad when his mom ended up calling him his stepdads name before she died. We were able to feel his pain since, his mom never really cared about him and all he wanted was to feel loved from his mom.

Overall, John was the most inward and outward person, because he was different from everyone. He had feelings, and cared for so many things that the people from the world state didn't. We can say he was the most truthful character from the whole book,since he was more like us. sadly his life was cut short after he killed himself. He committed suicide after having remorse of something he did the night before his dead. Which was different for everyone since no one seemed to regret anything that would happen in their lives. Clearly, John stood out in the whole book because he was just different. He wasn't just born from a woman,but he had feelings as well.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Brave New World- Chapter 16 Notes

  • John is wanders  around the office examining Mustapha’s things 
  • He finds a book called “ My Life and Work” 
  • Mustapha talks to John about him not liking civilization 
  • John admits he really doesn’t and Bernard gets terrified 
  • John Questions Mustapha, while he explains how things that are old like Shakespeare are banned because they are rather beautiful and might be enticing
  • John asks Mustapha why they don’t make everyone an Alpha-Double-Plus, but Mustapha says there’s a lot of work to be done
  • He says that if alphas has to do this work they would become mad and rebel
  • John thinks about the word “science” once again since he has heard it before but has never fully understood what it meant 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Chapter 11 Notes- Brave New World

  • After the seen when John called the director father everyone was intrigued to see the "creature"
  • Linda in the other hands didn't matter at all, no one even bothered to look at her
  • Linda's appearance made people feel sick "positively sick
  • John is called the savage now that he is famous
  • According to the doctor Soma makes you lose years in time
  • John visits the school with Bernard
  • at school people don't read because its considered a solitary thing to do
  • Lenina talks to Fanny about John being really good looking
  •  At the end Lenina admits that she likes John and feels real attractive to him
  •  Lenina wonders why John hasn't touched her or have sex with her
  • at the end of the chapter on their way back John drops off Lenina , while he is paying the taxicoper Lenina is thinking that maybe John is finally going to be with her 
  • but instead John climbs back up onto the taxicoper and sees Lenina's figure get smaller
  • while Lenina watches him leave with her mouth open and wiped off a tear
  • John gets home back again and takes out a book to read the "Othello"

Book Club Of One

Yes it really helps to talk about the reading with other peoooe who read the book, because they can help clarify something that I probably didn’t understood correctly or misunderstood.  Like this I get a way better understanding of what I read, since I read the whole chapter but I miss  parts about it for the reason that I don’t understand them fully. To be honest there was a time that I didnt read one of the chapters and the following day when we came back to class and Dr.Preston  went over it with the class and everyone was agreeing.I felt so dumb with myself for not reading the chapter. It honestly felt so bad, I felt lost and definitely it made me not want to do the same thing. So now I read the chapters so I can understand what’s going on and don’t feel dumb like that day.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


I want to get everything done  and prove myself that I’m capable of doing everything I propose myself. I know that so far I’ve been kinda off on my things but it’s due to the stress I’m having right now with all the testing going on and projects for other classes. But before this course ends I really want to make the most of it and accomplish what I want. This class has thought me really good things  since we get treated more like adults. Since we have time to work on our own but we manage not to make the best out of it when we should. Anyways I really want to end the school year strong and happy with myself knowing I accomplished everything I had to.

Chapter 10 Notes- Brave New World

  • Everything starts off in London 
  • John and Linda made it to London 
  • The director doesn’t knows what’s going to happen 
  • Bernard calls up Linda and the director looked at her disgusted and so did she 
  • Linda tells the director that they had a baby 
  • John enters the room and calls the director father 
  • The director got made fun of after they found out he was a dad 
  • They saw the director differently since he was the one who would talk to them about not having kids 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Chapter 9 Notes- Brave New World

Lenina felt herself entitled, after a day of queerness and horror to a holiday. Once they arrive to the rest-house Lenina takes six tablets of Soma and within 10 minutes of sleep she is completely gone for more than 18 hours. While Bernard flies to Santa Fe to see the world controller for a matter of scientific interest.
  • Bernard flies to Santa Fe
  •  John and Linda are seen as scientific interest to the world state.
  • We start to notice that since John got to London to the Hotel he starts to smell Lenina's luggage
  • Lenina keep staking soma but this time she took it three times more
  • John sees Lenina sleeping and he feels like touching her but he dares not to
  •  When John hears the Helicopter he knows that Bernard is back so he hides

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Chapter 8 Brave New World Ideas

  • Bernard asks John to explain his life, because Bernard what’s to know how John’s life is. But mainly  because he wants to know how he was born.
  • Linda sleeps with married men of the reservation, because she is used it since she would do it outside of the reservation.  Her actions causes the people in the reservation to be mad at her and beat her. John learns about it since he sees the women beating his mom and the children making fun of him. 
  • Pope brings “mescal” to Linda which is a strong alcohol, and ends up having lots of sex with her. 
  • John doesn’t like Popé because he sleeps with his mom. John just walks out of the house while Pope with his mom. 
  • The allusions of Shakespeare in this chapter are by giving quotes and John getting a book from Pope about William Shakespeare. John uses a quote from Shakespeare describing how there’s actually good people in this world who have come  to help people in need referring himself to Bernard since he believes he is helping him out by taking him to the Other Place. When Bernard is just using John  to embarras  the  director. 
  • John tells Bernard that he feels alone since he gets rejected but the people in the reservation and he is mostly alone. 
  • John wanted to know how it feels to be crucified because since people who get crucified are people who are chosen by the people and get honored, som I believe that’s what John wanted to finally feel accepted even if meant his death. 
  • Bernard proposed John the idea to go to London with him, but John  tells him that he will go only if Linda goes along with him. 
  • When John asked Bernard if he was married to Lenina and he heard a “no” he was happy again. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Chapter 8 Notes- Brave New World

John tells Bernard how he grew up hearing Linda's (his mom) fabulous stories about the Other Place outside the Indian Reservation. And how he always felt so isolated in the reservation.
  • John dreams of living on the other world
  • people in the reservation rejected him
  • John was conscious of how many men his mom slept with
  • there was some good things about Linda since she thought his son how to read
  • Bernard asks John if he wants to come to London with him
  • Bernard's goal is to embarrass the director by exposing him as John's father
  • John decides to go to London only if Linda goes along with them

Alejandra Medina who?

Today I searched up myself and I came to find out that there’s a lot of people out there in this workd with my same name. For example there’s a girl named Alejandra Medina and is a secretary at Nissan. Also there was way more people out there like in Colombia and many other places. I didn’t find anything about me just different people with different ages and races but nothing that alarmed me.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Good morning Post

Yesterday in class Dr. Preston explained to us how if we start our morning with an alarm and keep snoozing we start of the day with a broken promise. This makes sense because a day before we are always palling things to do until the next morning when we wake up to do and we never end up doing then since  we keep snoozing our alarms. Staring today I woke up without snoozing my alarm, also I try to put my phone away from me before I go to sleep and lastly I’m trying to get everything done and ready for the next day during the night before I go to sleep.

Chapter 7 Questions “comment”

  1. 1. Johns mom’s name is Linda. 
  2. Linda comes from the other new world outside the reservation. 
  3. She got horrified when she found out that the director and Linda are parents to John. 
  4. Linda said that John was a contraceptive failure. 
  5. When Lenina Heras the ceremony drums she is reminded of  the dance. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Today in class dr. Preston and one of my fellow classmates Mario brought up an interesting topic towards the book that we are reading right now. It brought to my attention how little things that we don't really pay attention to matter. Since my classmate ended up creating a big topic to discuss in class about racism. I didn't catch this in the book right away or maybe I did but I didn't focused my attention on it, so I seemed not to care about it. After all, what was brought up to class was the author of the book Brave New World being racist. Which really makes since now that I think about it, because since we started reading the book it has only been about white people and not other races have been brought up by the author un the book. Also in chapter 7 when two important characters Bernard and Lenina meet this young man and his family they get weird out and surprised to see a guy with a different color of skin speak perfectly English. I say that the author might be racist towards other races.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Chapter 7 Notes- Brave New world

Lenina and Bernard to go an Indian reservation where Lenina is feeling uncomfortable and is disliking it.Bernard sees how the Indians are uncivilized and haven't heard of Our Ford so he decides not explain anything since he didn't see the point of it.

  • at the reservation Lenina watches a community celebration
  • John is introduced by surprising Lenina and Bernard by speaking perfect English
  • John's dad is Thomas the director , and Bernard knows but he decides not to say anything for the moment
  • John refers to the other place, the outside of the Indian reservation
  • Johns mother Linda disgust Lenina by her physical appearance
  • Linda explains to Lenina and Bernard how John was an accident since something went wrong with her contraceptives
  • Linda was embarrassed to go back to the World State with a baby
  • Linda slept with any man she pleased

Chapter 6 Notes- Brave New World

Lenina had wondered more than once of whether she shouldn't change her mind over the New Mexico Holiday and go to the North Pole with Benito Hoover. Lenina keeps thinking she can't face the north pole since she had laid beds over there too.

  • Lenina and Bernard attend a wrestling match 
  • Bernard and Lenina fly over the channel together
  • Bernard keeps refusing to take soma while he is with Lenina
  •  Bernard enjoys silence since it makes him feel like and individual
  • Bernard takes a large dose of soma and ends up having sex with Lenina
  • He feels bad and tells her he should of had acted like an adult
  • Bernard is criticized for his antisocial behavior and is threatened to be isolated

Chapter 5 Notes - Brave New World

Internal and external secretion trust came to the lowing of those thousands of cattle which provided with their hormones and milk a great factory. Lenina and Henry climb on a helicopter and fly away.
  • Henry and Lenina fly in a helicopter over a crematorium.
  • phosphorous is collected from burning bodies used for fertilizer
  • Lenina keeps drinking soma in her coffee
  • Lenina and Henry take another dose of soma and become unaware of their surrounding but they are still aware of protection
  • there's a solidarity service with 12 people sitting on a table both men and women, who keep passing around each other strawberry ice cream with soma
  • Bernard feels more lonely than ever after the solidarity service turns into a sex orgy

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Chapter 4 Notes Brave New World

The entry of a girl named Lenina she was crowed in a room full of Alpha men, whom she had to sleep with every other night with almost all of them.

  • she was basically there to have sex with them
  • super intelligent people feel like they are alone, they isolate themselves from society trying to understand something they don't understand
  • the drug Soma was used in the story to relax the muscles, Lenina was using it
  • Lenina can't live without using Soma
  • Lenina was making Benito the well behaved man suffer
  • Benito Hoover was scared to get refused by Lenina

Chapter 3 Notes- Brave New World

This chapter is basically about the definition of what sex means to people.

  • kids are running around the garden naked
  • for adults its treated for happiness and something they can get to enjoy and pass a good time
  • for kids its more like  a game they like to play
  • marriage is not an important thing
  • the changing of partners for sexual relationships means nothing and there's no reason behind it

Monday, March 11, 2019

Brave New World - Chapter 2 Notes

  • If a child is raised in a house with book they will grow up and become better readers 
  • They they were keeping things a away from a child 
  • Powerful people don’t want other people to read books because they can’t control them easily 
  • They see book as dangerous 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chapter 1 Notes - Brave New World

In the 1950’s mechenery was used more during that period of time.

Basically humans are things

At the age of 13 a man is not sexually mature enough until they reached the age of 20

For  nature it takes 30 years for 200 hundred eggs to reach maturity

The story it starts of in a laboratory making humans

There’s different types of people in this world

They are using math symbols

Thursday, February 28, 2019

I’m the Person I’ve been waiting for

I’m not a lazy person but I really don’t cooperate on a lot of things. In  case of an emergency I would be the person to call since in those cases I’ll go help. But it also depends if it’s  due to a bad or good thing.

We are living in the Brave New World

Three things that I got from the video of Aldous was drugs, propaganda, and media. Even though I didn’t really understand what he was saying since his accent was hard to understand. For example he told us how drugs can mess you up so bad and destroy your future and path to a great life.On the other hard he was talking about the media which is a pretty big thing going on right now. Not everything is a bad about it since it keeps us updated on news or anything that’s trednding. But people tend to get real addicted to it and start using their phones more than what’s necessary. Which is not a good thing at alll since we become so dependent on it that we can’t have a normal day if one day we didn’t have it. The thing about the propaganda is a big thing too like right now our President is Donald Trump, people follow him even though he has bad ideas. This is what I got from the video.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What’s so great about Gatbsy?

Gatsby is great but he made wrong decisions for love that ended up taking his life away.

Nick is honest, but when he hangs out with his friends he turns into a ful dishonest person since he helps seek out relationships between his friends without saying anything. He does this because they are the only friends he has and wants to fit in.

Tom and Daisy didn’t really care about each other. Since they both did their own thing, they just wasted money on alcohol, they went to many parties. Since they had money they never worked hard to earn it so wasting it meant nothing to them. They both didn’t bother to take care of their kid since they were always out.

I don’t understand Daisy’s behavior. To be honest her choices weren’t right at all. I would not let any of my siblings date someone lik her. She has many issues to be fixed and her being not able to think for her self is something bad, because she doesn’t have no word of her own.

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past” this basically tells us who we are.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Great Gatsby chapters 1 2 3 4 questions

Chapter 1 Questions:

1. Who was the first person nick met in chapter one?

2. In what area of New York was nick living at ?

Chapter 2 Questions:

1. What happened at the party?

2.What was the relationship between Myrtle and Tom?

Chapter 3 Questions? 

1. What does nick learn about Jordan? 

2.Who is the owl eyed man? 

Chapter 4 Questions:

1. What does Gatsby tell nick? 

2.What did Daisy do on her wedding day ? 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Great Gatsby notes 2

Today what caught my attention from the book The Great Gatsby is how Daisy’s family is out of place. For example Daisy’s husband Tom is very ambitious, while I’m the other hand Daisy is an unresponsable mom, who always likes to party and drink, and then Miss Baker is always active like a little kid. This really got my attention since they have a three year old daughter who has no good attention from her parents.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

My Logo

This happy heart would be my logo, since I can say I'm a very happy and lovely person. I love to make new friends and enjoy being friendly and always positive. I also have my bad days like everyone else but I try my best not to show it. 

Century Writing Styles

Genre can be described as  categories towards something.

Naturalism-  something that is presented to us as a natural earthly thing that happens in life

Realism- a real life situation that is been printed by someone without taking facts or addding facts that they don’t want anyone else to know about it. They face the facts.

Modernism-  things written today , something that had been changed many times for a better or bad way , things that keep evolving

Thursday, January 17, 2019

How to get to Graceland

For me reading alone can a be a very boring experience since most of the time that I'm reading I tend to get off topic and start thinking of other things that just make me end up reading the same paragraph over and over. Reading in a group or with my friends is a really good decision for me since I actually pay attention and keep track of what I'm reading. I hon estly do enjoy working in a group than by myself. Yeah there's times that we do want to work and be alone but most of them time I work better off as a group.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Strike-Your thoughts

In my opinion I think that what the teachers on LA are doing is a right they have. Honestly in my opinion  it is reasonable for them to go on a strike to try to get better payment since they are helping the community by trying to educate a bunch of kids who after  all might not care about it,and just go to school to waist their time and the teachers valuable teaching time. There's kids who go to school to try to get better but they can't since most of there classmates just go in there to waist time. If I were to be a teacher I would like to get payed a little better not necessarily a lot but something reasonable for the effort I'm putting on my job to try to help this kids get in a lead for a better future.